
Instructions for clients:

Spend time reflecting on each question
Write down your answers in detail
Review your responses regularly and update as needed
Take action based on your insights
Reach out for additional support if needed 

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Self-Guided Coaching

Modul 1. Self-Guided Coaching Course: "Your Career Compass"

A self-guided course using coaching questions
This light, question-based coaching course allows clients to reflect and respond at their own pace, without the coach physically present.

1 / 4

Category: Self-Discovery

  1. What are your top 5 personal and professional values?

2 / 4

Category: Self-Discovery

How do these values align with your current career?

3 / 4

Category: Self-Discovery

3. What are your greatest strengths? How are you utilizing them in your work?

4 / 4

Category: Self-Discovery

If you could design your ideal workday, what would it look like?

The average score is 0%


Goal Setting

target, archery, goal

Module 2: Goal Setting

SMARTER Goal Setting (we recommend to use)

Together, we’ll craft goals that are:

  • Specific: Clearly defined and focused
  • Measurable: Quantifiable to track progress
  • Achievable: Realistic and attainable
  • Relevant: Aligned with your values and long-term vision
  • Time-bound: Set with a specific timeline
  • Evaluated: Regularly reviewed and adjusted
  • Rewarding: Motivating and fulfilling to achieve

This framework ensures that your goals are not just dreams, but actionable plans for success.

1 / 4

Category: Goal Setting

  1. Where do you see yourself professionally in 3 years? 5 years?

2 / 4

Category: Goal Setting

2. What specific goals would you need to achieve to reach this vision?

3 / 4

Category: Goal Setting

3. What obstacles might you face in pursuing these goals?

4 / 4

Category: Goal Setting

4. How can you turn these obstacles into opportunities?

Your score is

The average score is 100%


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Module 3: Action Planning

Without Action, nothing will change no matter how good your goals are.

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  1. What immediate steps can you take toward your career goals?

2 / 4

2. Who in your network could support you in achieving these goals?

3 / 4

3. What new skills or knowledge do you need to acquire?

4 / 4

4. How will you hold yourself accountable for taking action?

Your score is

The average score is 0%


Module 4: Mindset and Growth

1 / 4

  1. What limiting beliefs might be holding you back?

2 / 4

2. How can you reframe these beliefs to support your growth?

3 / 4

3. What does success look like to you?

4 / 4

4. How will you celebrate your progress along the way?

Your score is

The average score is 0%


Man Wearing White Full-face Motorcycle Helmet

Module 5: Work-Life Integration

1 / 4

1. How satisfied are you with your work-life balance?

2 / 4

2. What changes could you make to improve this balance?

3 / 4

3. How does your career impact other areas of your life?

4 / 4

4. What strategies can you implement to ensure your career enhances your overall life satisfaction?

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The average score is 0%


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